Connect, create, share

The Value-Based Health Care Center Europe's goal is to provide a platform where visitors and members can learn about Value-Based Health Care implementation, share their own knowledge, connect with the international community and create a healthcare environment with real outcomes, real connections, and one common language. The motto from the start has been Connect, Share and Create.


We offer services to accelerate the implementation of VBHC worldwide. The most well-known services are:
•VBHC Center Europe membership program, with special priviliges for members and tips, advice and answers
•Official VBHC certifications, to become VBHC compliant
•VBHC Thinkers magazine, with over 100.000 readers
•VBHC TV with the most innovative, inspiring and exclusive VBHC videos and content
•Capacity builing program, with active VBHC Center Europe ambassadors all over the world
•VBHC Prize and Awards under the Honorary Chair of Prof. Porter since 2014 and the VBHC Dragon's Grant, for pioneering, highly promising starting initiatives
•Innovative chapter structure in which groups can address VBHC implementation issues very quickly

Leading in VBHC implementation since 2008

VBHC implementation across as wide as possible the health care community is the primary mission of the VBHC Center Europe. While the focus is on VBHC implementation in Europe, the community exists of members from around the world who want to implement VBHC at the highest level across different health care systems and health access.


Active members


VBHC Thinkers Magazine readers


Succesful examples

Network and partners

Value-Based Health Care Center Europe has a large international network of medical professionals, academic professionals, patient organizations, educators, healthcare managers, government officials, health insurers, and industrial innovators. It is a worldwide network, with its core focus on Europe and an Amsterdam Office. Interesting members of the network are ICHOM, Intermountain clinic, Cleveland clinic, Harvard and The Decision Institute.

Key partners & network

Advisory Council

Value-Based Health Care Center Europe has an Advisory Council, consisting of experts on Value-Based Health Care, who provide direction and advise to Value-Based Health Care Center Europe with their expertise and background. Members of the Advisory Council are:
• Drs. Hugo Broekman
• Prof. dr. Hans Büller
• Anne van Hall, MBA
• Ton Hanselaar, MD PhD
• Prof. dr. Carina Hilders
• Drs. Peter Hoppener
• Maarten Rook, MBA
• Dr. Winfried Felix
• Dr. Sabine Pinedo
• Dr. Gabrielle Speijer
• Prof. dr. Fred van Eenennaam
• Mirte van Holsteijn, MSc.

Academic Council

For thorough academic grounding of the theoretic models and validation of the methodologies, an International Academic Advisory Council is set up, with a diverse and extensive background. The International Academic Advisory Council is formed by academics that are part of the international network of Value-Based Health Care Center Europe.

VBHC Ambassadors

The VBHC Center Europe has established a group of VBHC Center Europe Ambassadors both as a way of expanding VBHC implementation in different countries and on different emerging topics. The community exists of ambassadors from around the world who want to build VBHC capacity and implement VBHC at the highest level across different health care systems.